The app contains 13 styles and those styles may be replaced from time to time. On the app main menu click on the SYNC STYLES button to check if some new styles are available.
InApp Style List: #ID 01 “Tapestry like, crossed multilines“, 2012 | #ID 02 “drip drop droopy“, 2014 | #ID 03 “Face (A)“, 2014 | #ID 04 “More than trees“, 2014 | #ID 05 “Abstract’09 rebirth“, 2014 | #ID 06 “Motivation Style (4-M.S.)“, 2014 | #ID 07 “Katz portrait II“, 2014 | #ID 08 “Cercle, triangle et carré (feat. Sengai Gibon)“, 2014 | #ID 09 “Square Face I“, 2014 | #ID 10 “Walls are talking“, 2014 | #ID 11 “e.s. (leak portrait series)“, 2014 | #ID 12 “AbstrAct2“, 2014 | #ID 13 “Simply clouds“, 2014
This is the Archive page of the various styles (some are still active other have been replaced).
Page still in work… Non exhaustive style list.
Images links to the specified style on the Flickr’s archive.